Who’s hiding Behind the Blinds
This second single, “Behind the Blinds” is quite different in structure and sound from the previous one “Taranto Train to Toronto Town“.
We really enjoyed writing and arranging it and its a pleasure playing it on our shows.
Dan wrote “Behind the Blinds” as an acoustic blues. (N.d.a: The original title was Gramma Vedetta – the band didn’t existed yet – but then we changed to Behind the Blinds because having a song with the same name of the band is too lame ).
This explains why the verses and the chorus melodies can be sung while taking a shower.
We jammed a lot around the original version and what we’ve got is a solid song built on heavy blues riffs and some prog time signature (Rush anyone?). The song still maintain the original bluesy groove.
The guitar solo, which is one of the two contained in the whole set of song we recorded, is split in two parts: the first one is a psychedelic trip where two guitars on acid fights on each side of the stereo image, supported by an odd signature bass and drum groove.
The second part of the solo is a tribute to Alex Lifeson and Jimmy Page, both in the choice of notes and in the guitar sound. A classic rock solo introducing the third and final chorus.
Yes, thanks, but what are the lyrics about?
This is a controversial topic among the band, but it looks like Dan wrote about some sort of big brother (or better big sister). From the lyrics we understand that the differences from 1984 character is that the main character of “Behind the Blinds” is a benevolent entity.
Dan doesn’t give us more details about the song, which leave space for interpretation.
Who do you think is hiding Behind the Blinds?
Behind the Blinds
Scanning the alleys, from dusk till dawn.
Searching the crowd, for the weak and the strong.
All your friends.. ran away
Are you stronger? Are you brave?
Critical, behind the blinds.
She spreads news and memories.
She is lyrical.
The gramophone plays beloved songs to feed her soul.
Collecting information through a thousands eyes
At her workstations, behind the blinds.
You will fall at her will.
She will be the one to set you free, yeah.
Critical, behind the blinds.
She spreads news and memories.
She is lyrical.
The gramophone plays beloved songs to feed her soul.
To give you love.